Consulting / Expertise

No matter where the shoe pinches you, our engineers can help you across the entire spectrum of flue gas cleaning. Perhaps you're thinking about upgrading your filter system or how your flue gas cleaning can be optimised? Or you are thinking about purchasing a new electrostatic precipitator - no matter what, we will be happy to advise you.

ELEX has done pioneering work many times, obtained patents and introduced new technologies. We have extensive experience in the construction of pilot plants. Do not hesitate to contact us for a relevant project. We support you with our expertise in the entire field of flue gas cleaning.

When is this service required?

With over 7000 systems installed, we are your contact when it comes to cleaning industrial waste gases. An expertise carried out by our specialists will quickly give you precise answers to your questions. We will gladly advise you on how to solve the problem. Thanks to our decades of experience, we can solve your problem quickly, reliably and competently.


We would like to convince you not only with words, but show you with facts and figures how much experience we have in the field of flue gas cleaning. Put your trust in our hands and together we will find the optimal solution for you.


years of




installations in operation


Peter Studer

Dipl. Ing. HTL, Exec. MBA
Head Sales


Peter Studer

Dipl. Ing. HTL, Exec. MBA
Head Sales


Produktionsanlagen für Zement, Kalk und Gips
(Öfen, Mühlen, Trockner und Kühler)
Thanks to decades of experience and countless measurements carried out, ELEX has a huge wealth of experience. Below we have listed a small excerpt from our references.

Für weitere Referenzauskünfte oder bei Interesse für einen Anlagenbesuch nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf.

Papierfabrik, Nettingsdorf, Österreich
Elektrofilter zu Kalkschlamm-Drehofen

Energiezentrale Forsthaus, Bern, Schweiz
Elektrofilter zu Müllverbrennungsofen

Müll- und Schlammverbrennungsöfen
Thanks to decades of experience and countless measurements carried out, ELEX has a huge wealth of experience. Below we have listed a small excerpt from our references.

Für weitere Referenzauskünfte oder bei Interesse für einen Anlagenbesuch nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf.

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Sehr hohe Verfügbarkeit und ein geringer Unterhaltsaufwand zeichnen die ELEX – Gasreinigungsanlagen aus. Kommt es trotzdem zu einer Störung, ist rasche Hilfe unersetzbar. Wir sind im Ernstfall für Sie da und unterstützen Sie vor Ort kompetent und zuverlässig.