Our experienced engineers will help you to put your system into operation. In the process, the entire mechanical installation is inspected for defects and possible weak points. This ensures a long service life without interruptions. The complete electrical installation is also checked and corrected if necessary. Checking the interaction of all actuators and sensors with the system control is a central point in the commissioning process.
Another part of the commissioning is the monitoring of the installation during operation. As various parameters in the upstream process often still have to be adjusted when the entire plant is started up for the first time, it is advisable for an engineer from ELEX AG to be on site in order to be able to adjust the parameters of our plant to the changed operating conditions.
When is this service required?
If you want to ensure a trouble-free operation with the highest possible efficiency, let us help you. Because if you have the commissioning carried out by our experienced engineers, we can individually adapt the visualisation and the software according to client requirements. On top of that, the commissioning engineer competently trains the entire operating and maintenance staff.
We would like to convince you not only with words, but show you with facts and figures how much experience we have in commissioning plants. Put your trust in our hands and we will also support you during your commissioning.
years of
Available at all times
Produktionsanlagen für Zement, Kalk und Gips
(Öfen, Mühlen, Trockner und Kühler)
Thanks to decades of experience and countless measurements carried out, ELEX has a huge wealth of experience. Below we have listed a small excerpt from our references.
Für weitere Referenzauskünfte oder bei Interesse für einen Anlagenbesuch nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf.
Papierfabrik, Nettingsdorf, Österreich
Elektrofilter zu Kalkschlamm-Drehofen
Energiezentrale Forsthaus, Bern, Schweiz
Elektrofilter zu Müllverbrennungsofen
Müll- und Schlammverbrennungsöfen
Thanks to decades of experience and countless measurements carried out, ELEX has a huge wealth of experience. Below we have listed a small excerpt from our references.
Für weitere Referenzauskünfte oder bei Interesse für einen Anlagenbesuch nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf.
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Sehr hohe Verfügbarkeit und ein geringer Unterhaltsaufwand zeichnen die ELEX – Gasreinigungsanlagen aus. Kommt es trotzdem zu einer Störung, ist rasche Hilfe unersetzbar. Wir sind im Ernstfall für Sie da und unterstützen Sie vor Ort kompetent und zuverlässig.