Catalyst Management
The handling of selective catalytic reduction in flue gas involves many technical challenges. Due to our many years of experience, we have enough knowledge to calculate the expected performance. We monitor your catalyst modules, pull the appropriate element during revisions and analyse this for you.
This gives us information about the activity (K-value) and the chemical full and surface analysis of the existing catalyst layer. With these results, we can draw conclusions about the operation and optimise the service life of the catalyst modules. This way you always know how much power your SCR system has and when you need to replace a layer.
When is this service required?
We would like to convince you not only with words, but show you with facts and figures how much experience we have in the field of catalyst management. Place your trust in our hands and we will precisely calculate the performance of your system so that you can optimise the lifetime of your catalyst modules.
We would like to convince you not only with words, but show you with facts and figures how much experience we have in the field of catalytic converter management. Place your trust in our hands and we will precisely calculate the performance of your system so that you can optimise the lifetime of your catalytic converter module.
Analyses per year
years of
Produktionsanlagen für Zement, Kalk und Gips
(Öfen, Mühlen, Trockner und Kühler)
Thanks to decades of experience and countless measurements carried out, ELEX has a huge wealth of experience. Below we have listed a small excerpt from our references.
Für weitere Referenzauskünfte oder bei Interesse für einen Anlagenbesuch nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf.
Papierfabrik, Nettingsdorf, Österreich
Elektrofilter zu Kalkschlamm-Drehofen
Energiezentrale Forsthaus, Bern, Schweiz
Elektrofilter zu Müllverbrennungsofen
Müll- und Schlammverbrennungsöfen
Thanks to decades of experience and countless measurements carried out, ELEX has a huge wealth of experience. Below we have listed a small excerpt from our references.
Für weitere Referenzauskünfte oder bei Interesse für einen Anlagenbesuch nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf.
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Sehr hohe Verfügbarkeit und ein geringer Unterhaltsaufwand zeichnen die ELEX – Gasreinigungsanlagen aus. Kommt es trotzdem zu einer Störung, ist rasche Hilfe unersetzbar. Wir sind im Ernstfall für Sie da und unterstützen Sie vor Ort kompetent und zuverlässig.